Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Blues

The view from my front door!

So as I set here watching the snow fall, an afternoon that should be fairly relaxing and enjoyable I have a tinge of anger. With my car broke down we had the headache of physically moving it for the landlord, and by we I mean Josh and his two buddies! When he left to return them to the hole he mumbled about going to the store he didn't say bye no kiss not even an do we need anything at the store? As I yell down to him to get baby cereal, which I have been talking about since last night about buying he just looks at me like I am stupid, and to top it off I can't call him because my phone is a piece of sh*t! 

But I think that in reality yes I am angry at the landlord, and the car but not Josh. I am annoyed that he didn't ask if anything was needed, and he didn't say bye but really that is no big deal! However I'm pretty certain I am jealous of him right now. Jealous of him hanging out with his friends, an activity I use to take for granted but hardly have a chance to do these days. Jealous that he gets to enjoy time with his friends with out a phone call asking when you will be phone the baby is getting fussy. 

It makes me laugh when he complains about work. This coming from a man who until just a few days ago worked his hours clocked out came home to food on the table, a clean house, and control of either the Internet or cable which ever his heart wishes. I would love to be able to just have an evening with my friends without having to worry about the time. 

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